British Values
British Values
The Department for Education states that 'There is a need to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.’
At Chaucer Junior School, we value the diversity and backgrounds of our entire school community and the wider world. Our school reflects British values in all that we do. We aim to nurture our pupils on their journey through life so they can grow into safe, generous, democratic, responsible and respectful adults who make a positive difference to British society and to the world. We encourage our pupils to celebrate their differences and uniqueness whilst remaining open-minded and independent individuals that show respect to themselves and everyone else.
In this context, democracy is defined as all members of the school community having the right to to have their voices heard and their views considered.
At Chaucer, we achieve this through the use of our School Parliament - Class MPs are chosen during an anonymous voting process and the whole school gets to choose from a list of projects which have been collected and shortlisted by the representatives.
In addition to this, every year the whole school votes to elect their Year 6 prefects who represent them at School Parliament, in the community, in the press and at various other events.
Subject ambassadors also contribute towards decisions on behalf of the school whilst working alongside subject leads and members of the Senior Leadership Team.
Finally, children, parents and staff are regularly asked to contribute their thoughts via questionnaires and meetings.
Through our personal development curriculum, children are regularly reminded that they are allowed to have opposing opinions and are encouraged to speak out if they disagree with something as long as this is done in a mature and respectful manner.
Chaucer Junior School is run by democracy.
Rule of Law
The importance of law and rules is referred to and reinforced to teach students to distinguish between right and wrong. Through the use of our school rule of 'Respect' and the restorative action taken in Reflection, children learn to take responsibility for their own actions. Students are taught the reasons behind rules, how they protect us and the consequences of what happens when they are broken.
This is also reflected in the wider curriculum and referenced class expectations are established.
Individual Liberty
Individual Liberty is defined as having freedom of choice and the right to respectfully express views and beliefs in a safe environment.
Through our personal development curriculum, the following concepts are taught to all children: self-expression, diplomacy and perspective. They are encouraged to stand up for themselves and share their opinions whilst always being considerate of how their words could impact those around them. Independence and individuality are promoted and we celebrate those who are brave enough to stand up for what is right.
Mutual Respect and Tolerance
Mutual respect means treating other people with dignity and recognising their value. Being tolerant or behaving with tolerance means to accept other people's differences - particularly in reference to the nine protected characteristics.
These are classed as one British Value because the two are so deeply relevant to each other and it is almost impossible to demonstrate one without the other.
The concept of respect is embedded thoroughly in every aspect of school life as it is our only school rule. Through the Embark Guiding Principles, staff are proactive in modelling this consistently to children in the way they interact with everyone; all member of our school community are expected to share the school's values.
Tolerance is one of our Core Values and our children can articulate how the concept is applicable in day-to-day life. Through our nominations system, children are rewarded for demonstrating tolerance towards others and tolerance is referenced throughout the curriculum, both in terms of personal development and through lessons such as PSHE, RE and History.
Other Values
As seen on the 'Our Values' page of the 'Our School' tab, we have specified our own values which complement the British Values listed above, underpin our ethos and are evident throughout all aspects of our curriculum.
Chaucer Junior School
Appreciation, Aspiration, Co-operation, Kindness, Resilience & Tolerance
Embark Federation
Family, Integrity, Team Work & Success