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Chaucer Junior School

"Dream, Believe, Achieve"

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At Chaucer Junior School, we understand that research shows setting homework can have a substantial positive impact on progress. However, we also recognise the strain on mental health the importance of protecting time to relax. Having considered all of this, we ask for minimal amounts of homework to be completed per week.


What needs to be completed?

We ask our children to complete the following:


  • Reading
    Reading is vitally important in order to help children fully access the rest of the curriculum and, at Chaucer, we are desperate to instil a love of reading. Every week, we ask children to read with an adult (or independently, if appropriate) for 30 minutes if they are in Lower School or and hour if they are in Upper School. Please ensure that an adult signs this off in their organiser.
  • Times Tables
    Knowledge of times tables is key in underpinning mathematic understanding - knowing them well allows children to become accurate and efficient mathematicians. We ask that children complete 10 TTRS (Times Table Rockstars) games per week on their assigned times table. This is monitored by the electronic system.
  • Spelling
    Spelling in our locality is a priority and it can impact attainment in Writing and Grammar. We ask children to practise their current spelling list at home by competing 10 games on Spelling Shed.



Teachers monitor the completion of all of the above and all children who have completed all of their homework for the week are rewarded with 15 minutes extra play outside. Children who have not done their homework will spend this time completing it.


We understand that not all families have access to the internet so, in order for every child to be able to complete their homework and achieve the reward, we ensure that children have an opportunity to complete their homework during their own time in the school day or, upon request, we will provide a paper copy as an alternative.
