Forest School: Mrs Johnson's Class
This week was the turn of Mrs Johnson's class to enjoy their #forestschool session. Thankfully the weather was a little kinder to us this week and we could enjoy some sunshine. Firstly the children enjoyed a mindfulness session before setting to work making some birdfeeders. These were special feeders, as a random act of kindness the children have donated half they made to the residents of Canal Vue Care Home. Miss Oldnall and myself took them down to the care home at the end of school and hung them along with Naomi who works at the home so the residents can now enjoy seeing the birds come to their windows and watch them feed. The forest school session then ended with the children making some conker soap which they also loved. The terms core value is kindness and I think you'll agree this was one lovely act of kindness for them to take part in.
Mrs Wheatley & Miss Oldnall