Forest Schools At Canal Vue Care Home
This week is mental health week and our #forestschools group were on a mission to give their time to help others. We left school in the rain which didn't bother our forest group, had a mindful walk along the canal spotting and naming birds en route. Visiting our friends at Canal Vue Care Home is always a treat, the children soon settled in and chatted confidently with the residents. We began making bird feeders with them, including the infamous oldest gentleman in England Donald Rose, 110 years young. Later on, the children were in teams with the residents for our multiple choice bird identification quiz, which went down well with all participants. We were so so proud of our children, who were patient, kind and caring during their visit. Intergenerational connections are so important. Thank you to Miss Cundy-Clifton for her help again today.
Mrs Wheatley & Miss Oldnall