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Chaucer Junior School

"Dream, Believe, Achieve"

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What are PSHE and RSE?

PSHE stands for Personal, Social, Health and Economic education and RSE stands for Relationships and Sex Education. PSHE and Relationships education are both statutory at KS2. Certain aspects of Sex Education are taught through the Science Curriculum and are also a requirement. However, schools are able to choose to teach additional elements of Sex Education to an appropriate level. Please see the documentation at the bottom of the page for further information and feel free to get in touch should you have any questions or concerns.


The RSE policy is linked on our 'Policies' page on the 'Key Information' tab.


PSHE and RSE at Chaucer Junior School

At Chaucer, we recognise how vital PSHE and RSE are for the personal development of our pupils and for ensuring that they grow into assertive, well-rounded individuals with a good understanding of the world around them and the knowledge needed to keep themselves safe and happy. Our curriculum has been designed with safeguarding at the heart of it.


BERT Award

We are proud to have recently achieved Bronze for the BERT Award, which stands for Building Effective Relationships Together. The BERT Award is an award programme to develop your Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) provision in line with statutory requirements.

The Award included the following:

· An audit of our whole school approach to RSE

· An action plan to meet criteria for the Bronze Level of the award.

· Surveys and a digital dashboard to measure our progress.


The BERT Award has helped our school provide an inclusive RSE programme to support the needs of all our learners and families. We offer a safe space for our school community including families to discuss and support health and relationship discussions.
